Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Where Has The Time Gone?????

Jamen and I found a bunch of old video clips on our new computer...must have transfered over...not sure how, but it was fun to watch and hard to believe that our Makayla was that little...pause the music before you hit play so you can hear her sweet baby voice :)

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Our first Christmas home as a family of four! The girls were so excited to come downstairs to take inventory of what Santa had left for them. Makayla kept telling us that she heard Santa come down our chimney...Makayla ripped through present after present, while Aubrey was content to play with whatever new toy was unwrapped. Makayla and I baked a cake for Jesus's birthday and we all sang happy birthday to him, the true reason we celebrate Christmas. Lots of presents, lot's of laughter, love and best of all special family time!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Aubrey's "New" Bed

No more monkey crawling out of bed! And she actually likes her new tent and we can relax knowing that she is safe IN her crib :)

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Escape Artist

Look at this sweet little just breaks my heart :( on the other hand I am in complete shock that our 19 month old has discovered how to crawl out of her crib. Yikes!

Here's what happened today....I laid Aubrey down for a nap, nothing different she went down easily...when all of a sudden it sounded like Makayla had opened her bedroom door. Makayla told me that she didn't and that she saw Aubrey's door handle I run to my room and turn on our video monitor and sure enough there's little Aubrey standing at her door, trying to get out.

So I put her back in her crib....only for her to crawl out again, but this time I stopped her before she fell....

Fast forward to tonight, lots of snuggles before bed, I lay her down and by the time I had shut her door and walked to the hall way to turn on the video monitor she was up on top of her crib...I run in and tell her no, snuggle her and lay her down telling her to not climb out again (yeah, right mom!)

Ready for her to try again I think to myself that I should grab my camera so I can capture her. So I run and grab my camera, ready to catch her in the act...but instead I capture her crying for me..."mommy, out!"

I snap the picture and then snatch her up, comforting her telling her to STAY in bed...and this time it worked. (sigh of relief)


Check out that cheesy face and smile! The girl loves her pasta!

Santa Dance

    Click here to create your own video

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Sharing Sunday Smoothies....

My girls LOVE their pretty much is part of our daily routine...except for today Aubrey choose to sit at the "big" table. It is amazing to me at how she just climbs on up with no fear at only 19 months of age...whereas her big sister probably was not doing that until she was closer to 3. Cheers to sisterly sunday smoothies!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

19 Months Old!

You are so full of life, love, spunk, smiles, giggles, new words, squeezes, snuggles, bodyslams...our love for you just keeps getting bigger and bigger for you every day!

Here's what you love to do now:

  • brush your teeth (by yourself, of course)
  • buckle your seat belt in the car
  • throw your diapers away in the trash
  • take your shirts off
  • you absolutely LOVE smoothies
  • you are repeating everything that we say....

Happy 19 month birthday baby girl! You are loved!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Before & After