Saturday, May 9, 2009

Union Station Gala

A night out with my most favorite man, an opportunity to wear a beautiful cocktail dress, yummy food, visiting with good friends, all for a good cause....what more can a girl ask for?

Birthday Girl part 2

Birthday Girl!

Two years ago today.....we welcomed our little blessing into this world and our lives were forever changed....I became a mommy of two precious girls and my heart grew a million times over....I didn't know that I could love another baby as much as I loved my soon as I held my Aubrey I feel deeply in love with her....two years later I can not imagine my life without this spunkey little girl....she brings so much joy to our lives....she has passion and energy overflowing every day....not a day goes by that she doesn't bring a smile to our face and laughter to our souls....I love you precious baby girl and I thank God for you everyday! Happy 2nd Birtday Aubrey Renae

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

AWANA Cubbies

Makayla completed her 2nd year of Cubbies! So proud of you big girl!

Ladybug, Ladybug, Fly Away.....

Yesterday Makayla found a ladybug crawling on our plant....she tried hard to get it to crawl on her, but with no avail, the ladybug would not cooperate. So today, I found the same ladybug on the floor in our living room....and this time she crawled right onto Makayla's hand....oh the delight Makayla had holding and marveling at this little creation of God. And what a sweet blessing from our Lord, He knew how much Makayla wanted to hold that little ladybug....thank you Lord for always giving us the desires of our may not always be when we want it our how we want it to happend but if we just pay close attention we will see how much He loves us in the little things of life.