Thursday, April 30, 2009

Potty Time!

After about 5 minutes of sitting on the toilet, Aubrey went pee-pee on the potty! Wohoo!

A Day I Will Never Forget

Our conversation on the way home from Fastrack Kids

Makayla: Mommy, I want Jesus to live in my heart.

Me: You, do?

Makayla: Yes, I really do!

Me: You have have to pray and ask Jesus into your heart.

Makayla: Jesus, come live in my heart, please.

Me: Repeat after me sweetie...I believe in you Jesus

Makayla: I believe in you Jesus

Me: I believe you died for my sins

Makayla: I believe you died for my sins

Me: I want to follow you all the days of my life

Makayla: I want to follow you all the days of my life

Me: Amen

Makayla: Amen!

Me: Good job honey, now Jesus will always be with you

Makayla: that is so special, mommy

Me: you are so special and you are even more beautiful because you have Jesus

Makayla: really mommy....

Me: yes sweetie

Words cannot express how my heart swelled with this random conversation...Lord your timing is always perfect. Help us to continue to foster her relationship with You and help us to be your hands in raising her to be Christ like in all that she does.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Aubrey pulled this outfit together all by herself....

  • colorful winter beanie
  • soft red scarf
  • Makayla's ariel panties over the pants of course
  • Big cheesey smile

Monday, April 20, 2009


Rule number one of being a mommy...whenever the kids are quiet you must stop whatever you are doing and go investigate the situation....and this is what I found......

Friday, April 17, 2009

A Fun Filled Cousin Day At Disneyland

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Cool Man!

Is any other explanation needed?

I love this girl

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Almost Sleep Over...

The day started out great, the girls played wonderfully together....even made their own pizza's for dinner, took baths, read books, told funny stories, played in their own beds till about 9 pm...when I said one last story girls and then it's bed time....and that's when it all came crashing to an end. Sweet Madeline was just not ready to stay the night, she missed her mommy and daddy....and my sweet Makayla could not understand why Madeline could not just sleep at our house for the night. Both girls were crying...2 different reasons, both equally passionate....two soul mate friends....forever