"Good Morning Sweetie" waking up from a nap....
- When you wake up in the morning or from a nap the first thing you say is "baby" and you reach down to gather your babies before we lift you out of your crib.
- You now sleep with at least two of your baby dolls every night.
- You have discovered how to voice your frustration with the most awful "screaching" sound.
- You love to brush your teeth with your sister's princess toothbrush (Makayla now has a new one).
- Wearing backpacks
- Pushing multiple babies in the stroller....is this a sign as to how many children you will have??
- Bams (the sign for I love you with the sound effect of "BAM")
- Lots of smiles and love for us.
- Your getting a sense of humor and will do things just to make us laugh.
- Climbing, Climbing, Climbing...
- Throwing your diapers away in the trash (you just look so proud of yourself every time!)
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